Tiger breaks his silence: "I was unfaithful, I had affairs and I cheated."
Tiger Woods offers an apology to his wife, friends and the public.
身體語言出賣活士 心理專家指道歉非真心 (蘋果日報) 2010-02-21
活士認錯是否真心,言人人殊,惟有請教專家。美國波士頓學院心理學教授泰切(Joseph Tecce)說:「就算他多次說對不起,都是沒有激情,也沒感情。」他又指活士的身體語言,反映他是被迫道歉:「人們感覺不到他流露謙卑之心,一個有歉意的人會垂頭,他卻直望鏡頭。」
Tiger Woods Apology Speech Part 1
Tiger Woods Apology Speech Part 2
Tiger to give remarks Friday 2010-02-17
Woods will discuss future at TPC Sawgrass Clubhouse Press Release
Tiger Woods will be speaking to a small group of friends, colleagues and close associates at 11:00 a.m. EST on Friday at the TPC Sawgrass Clubhouse in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Tiger plans to discuss his past and his future, and he plans to apologize for his behavior.
While Tiger feels that what happened is fundamentally a matter between him and his wife, he also recognizes that he has hurt and let down a lot of other people who were close to him. He also let down his fans. He wants to begin the process of making amends, and that's what he's going to discuss.
His remarks will be open to a press pool for live coverage. It is NOT a news conference.
Tiger Woods will be speaking to a small group of friends, colleagues and close associates at 11:00 a.m. EST on Friday at the TPC Sawgrass Clubhouse in Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla. Tiger plans to discuss his past and his future, and he plans to apologize for his behavior.
While Tiger feels that what happened is fundamentally a matter between him and his wife, he also recognizes that he has hurt and let down a lot of other people who were close to him. He also let down his fans. He wants to begin the process of making amends, and that's what he's going to discuss.
His remarks will be open to a press pool for live coverage. It is NOT a news conference.
[國際新聞] 活士道歉記者會 (足本)
標籤: 國際新聞
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