American Idol, Season 8 January 14, 2009
《美國偶像》卷土重來 (北京新浪網) 2009-01-16
周三晚的節目引進了新增的第四位評委詞曲創作人凱拉·迪奧古爾蒂(KaraDio Guardi),這位曾經和不少大牌歌星合作的新評委,總體表現還算溫和。
首播中大膽狂放的比基尼女孩凱崔娜·達萊爾(Katrina Darrell)毫無疑問是最吸引眼球的選手。她以一身比基尼進入試音室,兩晚男評委完全給予好評,而女評委則被她挑釁的言語弄得抓狂,不過最終她還是拿到了去好萊塢的通行証
American Idol Bikini Girl - Katrina Darrell 寫真集
American Idol Bikini Girl 2009-01-13
American Idol returned to television tonight and there was one interesting surprise: the first American Idol bikini girl.
Katrina Darrell decided that she wanted to stand out at her audition, and what better way than in a string bikini. Despite not brilliant singing, she got through to Hollywood after gaining the vote of Simon and Randy. New judge Kara DioGuardi wasn’t impressed.
Darrel isn’t the brightest contestant either, saying that she wanted to make out with Ryan Seacrest…despite him not liking girls. Still, she managed to pull off something that few women ever have or will: a lippy kiss from Seacrest.
Katrina Darrell American Idol Bikini Girl 2009-01-14
Katrina Darrell shocked the judges of American Idol when she walked in wearing a skimpy bikini. The newest judge Kara DioGuardi immediately disliked Katrina, and let her know it. Fortunately, Simon Cowell, and Randy Jackson voted to send Katrina to Hollywood, which caused Paula Abdul to vote with the guys. Kara was so mad she even tried to do a sing off with Katrina, but Katrina responded coldly that Kara’s demonstration wasn’t any better. BURN! There is will be an ongoing cat fight between a judge and a contestant, especially if Katrina were to perform every song in the same bikini. HA!
Ryan Seacrest was also a bit tongue tied, especially when slutty Katrina kissed and tried to make out with him by the pool.
Later DioGuardi talked to Ryan about Darrell further saying:
"To her credit, she’s gotten so much attention. It was probably a good call to wear the bikini at the end of the day, but we wouldn’t be talking about the bikini if she killed the song."
Asked by Seacrest if she’d send through a "pretty" girl before a "cute" girl, DioGuardi said, "It’s hard to say. But pretty and cute … they’re important. It’s a visual medium. You’re going to see people on the covers and in the press."
"Of course, I want a pretty girl," she said, "but I’m not just looking for a pretty girl; I’m looking for an incredible voice, great stage presence. I’m a big champion of women. I’m not the kind of woman who’s going to drag a woman down."
"I vote for women," DioGuardi said. "I love women and want them to succeed."
Kara DioGuardi should know, she’s beautiful herself, and she can’t say that didn’t help her career. However, that doesn’t mean she won’t try to derail Darrell’s chances of winning the competition.
With the ratings 10 percent lower for this season premiere compared to last season, the show needs a little controversy and spark to get people watching.
[美女世界] American Idol Bikini Girl - Katrina Darrell
標籤: 美女世界
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