Cristiano Ronaldo and Paris Hilton
Cristiano Ronaldo and Paris Hilton (Full)
Paris Hilton and Cristiano Ronaldo: Next Hot Couple?
蒲夜店慶祝轉投皇馬 兩級半動作層出不窮 C朗搭上 Paris Hilton (蘋果日報) 2009-06-13
葡萄牙球星基斯坦奴朗拿度( C朗)終於如願離開英超球隊曼聯,轉投西甲勁旅皇家馬德里,周三晚在美國洛杉磯夜蒲慶祝。事業得意的他,情場同樣吃香,與名媛 Paris Hilton在夜店摸、攬、錫,極盡意淫的兩級半動作層出不窮,最後更闢室度春宵。
28歲的 Paris,當晚與妹妹 Nicky結伴出外散心,事關她前一晚才剛與相戀半年的棒球員兼肥皂劇明星男友 Doug Reinhardt甩拖。目擊者指 Paris在著名 Nobu餐廳內一臉憔悴,心情鬱悶,一頓飯就灌了兩三杯雞尾酒澆愁。
露玉臀 大腿擱在 C朗胯上
11時多,姊妹倆轉到名人蒲點「 My House」作樂, Paris心情立即好轉,事關她碰到覬覦已久的 C朗。其實兩人去年 7月已碰頭,有報道指 Paris在夜店生擒 C朗,但被男方避開,「面懵懵食檸檬」。事隔一載,男方看法顯然 180度改變,這次 Paris一見 C朗就直奔過去,男的對身穿性感背心迷你裙的 Paris投懷送抱亦甚為歡迎,兩人瞬即打得火熱。
一向開放的 Paris與出名「爛滾」的 C朗,「姣婆遇着脂粉客」,在 VIP角落卿卿我我,細聲講大聲笑,更恃着有保鑣擋着公眾視線,手口並用,旁若無人。目擊者指 Paris迷你裙越褪越高,露出半個玉臀也不為意,大腿就擱在 C朗胯上,手也在男方身上隨處摸; C朗則用大腿夾着酒瓶,讓 Paris伸出玉手慢慢捋樽,意淫到極。
轉移陣地 香閨內拉拉扯扯
兩人忙得不可開交,完全沒理會 Nicky邀他們跳舞,但仍不忘灌酒,包括勁開 8,300港元一瓶的香檳慶祝 C朗轉投皇馬, C朗據報更豪氣地請全場飲酒,結賬共花 19萬港元。
兩人又攬又摸又錫,「熱身」熱足三小時,至凌晨 2時轉移陣地。兩人分頭離去, Paris先走, 24歲的 C朗乘的士在一小時後趕到 Nicky的香閨。八卦網站 X17Online拍到片段,可見 C朗入屋後即與 Paris拉拉扯扯……
到清晨 5時, C朗施施然拿着外套步出屋外,步伐看來有點累,但目擊者說 C朗一副「四萬面口」,一如平日在球場上征服對手後那樣,流露出招牌得戚笑容。
Paris對 C朗也顯得甚滿意,據說她第二天立即向朋友宣佈自己與 C朗成為一對。朋友指 Paris早就看上 C朗「性感富異國風情,愛他夠健壯。加上 Paris最愛外國口音的男人,說好比催情藥令她興奮」。 Paris與 C朗共度一宵後,也不斷向朋友耀武揚威:「 C朗真是熱辣辣!他是真正的運動員,我們之間電力十足非常過電。」更不忘踩舊愛一腳:「 C朗比他厲害得多。他只是個低薪的小小棒球員罷了。」
好色滾友 vs慾海名媛
基斯坦奴朗拿度 (Cristiano Ronaldo)
演出經驗: 2009歐聯決賽「大茄」
駕駛撞板經驗:今年初撞車,價值約 440萬港元法拉利跑車報銷
自家品牌:在葡萄牙開設兩間 CR7時裝店
情史:出名好色「爛滾」,情人多籮籮,由 18歲大學生到電視台「姐仔」,西班牙有錢女到烏克蘭人妻,意大利名模到巴西健身教練,更傳過召妓、參加性愛派對。月前還被健身教練前女友爆他床上表現,說他最愛女方主導。據說他愛玩 3P、 4P,亦有傳聞指他是雙性戀
Paris Hilton
駕駛撞板經驗:吊銷駕駛執照緩刑期間醉酒超速,被判監 23日,但坐牢 5天就因「健康欠佳」閃電獲釋,引起公憤,最終要重回監牢呆足 23天
情史:慾海名媛,以豪放見稱,男友包括棒球員、結他手、富家子、歌手、搖滾樂手,與荷李活影里安納度狄卡比奧有一手。但讓 Paris一夜成名的卻是她跟導演薩洛蒙打真軍的春宮片段在 2003年於網上公開
Extract from x17online
Less than 24 hours after breaking up with Doug Reinhardt, Paris Hilton is already shacking up with a new man - soccer stud Cristiano Ronaldo!
The hot new couple started off their night separately, with Cristiano dining at the Brazilian restaurant Fogo De Chao while Paris and Nicky hit up Nobu, and an X17 source tells X17online exclusively about what began as a girls' night out:
"The Hilton sisters showed up at about 10:20pm and sat on the outside patio. Paris wasn't her usual chipper, chatty self - she looked absolutely miserable. She was clearly flying under the radar with her sister last night. She had a couple of cocktails and she was fiddling with her phone throughout the entire meal."
The ladies left around 11:20 and then headed to club MyHouse, and this is when Paris' night got immeasurably better. The ladies got to the club and plunked themselves down at a table with the Manchester United Real Madrid star, and sources inside the club tell X17online exclusively that the two couldn't keep their hands off of each other!
"Cristiano and Paris were all over each other swapping spit the entire night! His table needed every waitress in the building to service the large quantities of alcohol, and he spent an excess of 20 thousand dollars on champagne and drinks."
Dayum! So what happened after the club? Well, around 3am Cristiano cabbed it over to Nicky's house to hook up hang out with the heiress, and we shot this exclusive video of him leaving Nicky's West Hollywood pad at 5am!!!
The funniest thing about this is that Paris has had her eye on on Cristiano for over a year now! Even though her rep denied it last year, various media outlets reported that Paris attempted to work her charms on Cristiano at Villa last July, but Cristiano wasn't too keen on the starlet. So what changed?
Click here to see the gallery of the night Paris first tried to hook up with
More Pix Of Paris and Cristiano's Hot Hookup! June 11, 2009 9:45 AM
What's this? Even MORE shots of Paris Hilton and Cristiano Ronaldo arriving at Nicky's house last night, where the two continued to get cozy after hooking up at club MyHouse!
As we already told you, less than 24 hours after breaking up with Doug Reinhardt, Paris rebounded with the soccer stud, as she was spotted making out with him at a table at the hip Hollywood club. Sources tell X17online exclusively:
"Cristiano and Paris were all over each other swapping spit the entire night! His table needed every waitress in the building to service the large quantities of alcohol, and he spent an excess of 20 thousand dollars on champagne and drinks."
After having their fill of PDA and booze, the sexy new couple slipped out of the club separately - Paris and Nicky left in a chauffeured car, while Christiano hopped in a cab around 3am, and that's when we snapped the exclusive shots of the two arriving at Nicky's West Hollywood pad. Cristiano didn't leave until 5am, and we haven't caught a glimpse of the heiress yet, but we're guessing she's getting some much needed rest!
Video from x17online
Recently Single Paris Hilton And Sister Nicky Hit Up Nobu June 10th, 2009
The paps caught up with recently single Paris Hilton Wednesday evening out with her sister Nicky. Following Paris' reported breakup with Doug Reinhardt, the sisters went out too Nobu, perhaps to lift Paris' mood and scope out the available guys!
Recently single Paris Hilton joined by sidekick sister Nicky Hilton and soccer star Cristiano Ronaldo rendezvoused at My House nightclub, yet leave separately so as not to arouse suspicion. Moles sitting at an adjacent table inside the club claim that Paris and Cristiano were all over each other swapping spit all night. Every waitress in the building was enlisted to serve the large quantities of alcohol that were purchased by the soccer star. Inside sources say he spent an excess of 20 thousand dollars on champagne and drinks...
After a hot night together at My House, Paris Hilton and Cristiano Ronaldo carried the romance back to sister Nicky's house. Did our photogs catch up with a hot new couple in the making or just a rebound one night stand? Christiano Ronaldo arrived at Nicky Hilton's residence at 3am via taxi and he left at 5am just before daybreak...
Paris On Cristiano "We're Just Friends" June 12, 2009
Paris goes glam in an old Hollywood gown at a photo-shoot co-starring her pooch for her MTV series.
Our photogs spotted a ravishing Paris Hilton donning a pink evening gown as she entered MTV Netowrks on Friday to work on her BFF show. When asked about Cristiano Ronaldo, Paris replied "We're just friends."
More Photo: Paris Goes Glam!
[八卦娛樂] C朗搭上Paris Hilton
標籤: 八卦娛樂
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