
[奧斯卡] 第八十一屆奧斯卡最佳女配角得獎片段

第81屆奧斯卡金像獎 (The 81th Annual Academy Awards) 2009-02-22 08:00 ET

最佳女角 Oscars 2009 - Actress in a Supporting Role

彭妮露告絲《情迷巴塞隆拿》Penelope Cruz 《Vicky Cristina Bacelona》

Full Presentation


Penelope Cruz portrays the fiery Maria Elena, a divorced woman still locked in a complex relationship with her ex-husband.


This is not going to be 45 seconds, I can say that right now. Has anybody ever fainted here? Because I might be the first one. Thank you so much to the Academy. I want to share this with my fellow nominees and with the amazing ensemble of actors that I had the privilege to work with in this movie. Thank you, Woody, for trusting me with this beautiful character. Thank for you having written over all these years some of the greatest characters for women. And I cannot talk about great female characters without thanking my friend Pedro Almodóvar for having made me part of so many of his adventures. Thank you, Bigas Luna, Fernando Trueba, for giving me my first movies. Thank you, Harvey Weinstein. I wanted to dedicate this to my parents and to my brother and sister, to my friend Robert Garlock, who is not with us anymore, and to everyone who has helped me from the beginning and you know who you are and I thank you from my heart.

I grew up in a place called Alcobendas, where this was not a very realistic dream. And I, always on the night of the Academy Awards, I stay up to watch the show and I always felt that this was, this ceremony was a moment of unity for the world because art, in any form, is and has been and will always be our universal language and we should do everything we can, everything we can, to protect its survival. So I thank you so much and I have to say something in Spanish, because everyone: Todos los que desde España ahora estén compartiendo este momento conmigo y sientan que esto también es de ellos, se los dedico. Y a todos los actores de mi país. Muchisimas gracias.

《情迷巴塞隆拿》預告《Vicky Cristina Bacelona》Trailer

導演: 活地亞倫
主演: 史嘉麗祖安遜,彭妮露古絲,查維爾巴頓





在奧維多觀光和享受美食時,璜安東尼奧盛讚他的摯愛 – 前妻瑪莉亞。他說他倆是天作之合,只是相處上有點問題 – 有一次,瑪莉亞竟然因為妒忌而拿刀插他。

當晚,璜安東尼奧邀請兩位女孩子到他的房間,維姬斷然拒絕,基絲汀娜當然樂意地跟他回房。但基絲汀娜和璜安東尼奧快要碰到床時,基絲汀娜竟病倒了。結果在餘下的周末,只剩維姬和璜安東尼奧一起 – 他帶她去見他父親,還向她道出童年夢想和與瑪莉亞的問題。維姬這才看到他的另一面,慢慢放下成見。他們更在離開前的那晚做了愛。






Thank you Cam

More video at: http://www.oscar.com/video


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